(Updated on 1st May 2021)
Interviewed by Audris Adabella
Photography by Paradigm Shift Label and Designbylacuna
Hi Natasha! Can you tell us more about yourself?
N: Hi! I am Natasha and I am currently building Design by Lacuna, a studio which pens poetry to uplift, celebrate, and inspire the modern woman. I am fascinated with all things beautiful, and it shines through in the things I so enjoy - calligraphy and flowers. I also love having conversations over coffee (or tea), and nice evening strolls.
When did you start taking an interest in the arts?
N: Ever since I was a child! Words have always impacted me since I was young. I wrote to express and make sense of my emotions and thoughts. Sometimes, these ruminations came out quite poetically. I wrote my first poems at 17. It was a lovely outlet for me especially from the pressures of school and teenage life.
As for the visual side of things, I absolutely loved art classes which I started going for at 4 or 5. I enjoyed them because I could revel in the imaginary and the colourful.
[Natasha wearing THE LONG BLACK]
Was there something/ someone that moved you deeply to go into writing and lettering?
N: If I could put words to it, it would be a desire to produce something heartfelt. At 17, I began playing around with photo-editing apps where I added quotes to pretty photos and shared them with friends. To my surprise, they really liked it!
I started selling these designs in 2017. Shortly after, I realised I wanted to create my own pieces, ones I was proud of because they were original pieces of writing which others were uplifted by.
Around that time I had seen how words could build or break an individual. Those moments nurtured within me a deep belief in the potency and power of words. It stirred up a desire to encourage others in the way I knew best - To write beautifully.
Later that year, I was introduced to lettering and calligraphy. I fell in love with the craft and would practice for hours on end. It was an excellent medium to showcase my own words in a most heartfelt manner - Embodying beauty in both substance and form.
Aww, So "Do what you love and you'll never work for a day in your life" is very real for you! Please tell us about the products/services that @designbylacuna provides.
N:Yes! I can say that I not only enjoy the process of creating each piece, but also enjoy the challenge of building a business. It has been such a rich journey.
Design By Lacuna pens one-of-a-kind, customised poems upon request: Each piece is either calligraphed by hand or written digitally and assembled with flowers in an elegant frame. They serve to adorn the spaces we spend most of our time in, making them meaningful gifts and home decor. I am also looking to create prints over the next few months, so that more individuals can have access to these pieces that encourage and uplift.
What is the meaning of "LACUNA" and what does it mean to you?
N: A 'lacuna' is an unfilled space. For me this refers to our headspace, where our thoughts live in. We can all relate to how overwhelming it can get to enter unhealthy thought spirals of panic and anxiety. The words woven at Lacuna seek to breathe goodness, hope, and courage into our headspaces, while honestly acknowledging the difficult realities of the circumstances we go through.
Do you still remember, "The Waves"?
N: Yes for sure! It was my first ever piece I had done back when I was still in university! “The Waves” was specially created for Paradigm Shift Label's very first launch of THE LONG BLACK . For this piece, I had a resilient woman in mind, one capable of facing adversity and challenge no matter how tumultuous they were. We are often daunted by our giants even before attempting to conquer them, or allow ourselves to waver because of what others say; It is my heart that this piece brings a renewed strength, boldness, and courage to whoever reads it.
Till date, we are still in love with that piece you created. Thank you for that! How have things changed from then till now?
N: Me too! It holds a very special place in my heart. And I’m so glad we got to work together again this Mother’s Day, for the release of Reflections.
So much. Now that I've graduated, I get to put more time into what I enjoy doing. And with growing older, Lacuna has matured even in the messages each piece carries. I've grown to become more vulnerable in my work, and also more creative with the way I use my words. Yet the vision remains the same: To bring goodness, hope, and courage to our headspaces.
Thank you for your heartfelt sharing, Nat! Words indeed have the power to make or break. We can’t wait to see how Lacuna grows and expand!